Imagine A Handsome Guy Here!

Hey! I'm Partish Darji

Welcome to my PortFolio!

About me

Information About me


Thank you for visiting my website! My name is Partish Darji, and I was born on August 26th, 2007. I am currently an 11th-grade student with a strong interest in coding since 2020.

I enjoy exploring various aspects of coding, including website development, game development, and digital marketing. Python and similar languages have captured my attention, and I find great enthusiasm in working with them.

In addition to my love for coding, I also have a deep fascination with the world of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and robotics. The possibilities that AI unlocks, from machine learning to natural language processing, never cease to amaze me. I am captivated by the idea of creating intelligent systems that can adapt, learn, and make decisions on their own. Similarly, robotics combines my passion for coding, enabling me to design and develop autonomous machines that can interact with the physical world.

As a JEE aspirant, I am dedicated to continuous learning and growth in my chosen field. My experiences have instilled in me a strong work ethic and a meticulous attention to detail, which I apply to all my coding projects.

Through my portfolio website, I am excited to share my coding projects, insights, and experiences with you.

Thank you once again for visiting my website, and I eagerly look forward to connecting with you.

Best regards,

Partish Darji

Contact Me


Ahemdabad, Gujarat, India


Languages I speak:

English, Hindi, Gujarati

My Work

Here is some of my work that I've done.

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